자산 발행인


Geopolitics and Connectivity Take the Center Stage at the First EU-GCC Summit

Dr. Olaf Wientzek, Louis Bout
The first ever EU-GCC Summit on 16 October 2024 served as a pivotal moment for both the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), emphasiz-ing mutual interests in economic growth, security, and energy cooperation. Two areas dominated the discussion: on the one hand finding common ground on pragmatic cooperation, particularly in the field of energy and connectivity, on the other hand finding common language on a number of current regional conflicts. While the number of concrete deliverables of the meeting has been limited (which was to be expected) and much work still lies ahead, the summit as such is remarkable signal. Both sides decided to meet every two years at heads of state level, the next meeting is to take place in Saudi-Arabia in 2026.

자산 발행인

Der vollständige Bericht ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar. 

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Louis Bout

Louis Bout

Programm-Manager Sicherheit und Handel

louis.bout@kas.de +32 66931 80

Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Leiter des Multinationalen Entwicklungsdialogs Brüssel

olaf.wientzek@kas.de +32 2 669 31 70


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