자산 발행인

행사 간행물

The third Bavi dialogue - Armed Conflicts in the Era of Renewed Great Power Competition

On August 23rd, the 3rd Bavi Dialogue, co-organized by KAS Vietnam and the Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies (Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam), convened leading security experts, scholars, and practitioners to discuss critical security issues related to armed conflicts in the era of renewed great power competition. We were honored to have the participation of renowned German security policy scholars, Prof. Carlo Masala from the Center for Intelligence and Security (Bundeswehr University Munich) and Dr. Felix Heiduk from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP.

자산 발행인

Established in 2022, the annual Bavi Dialogue provides unique opportunities for Track 1.5 experts to exchange views and positions on foreign and security affairs. This platform fosters in-depth discussions and collaborative efforts to address the complexities of armed conflicts and great power competition, enabling the development of innovative solutions and policy recommendations.

The 2024 dialogue provided a platform to analyze the evolving nature of these conflicts, assess the impact of great power rivalry, examine the role of international organizations, and explore the implications of emerging technologies. Through dynamic exchanges and simulation exercises, the experts developed actionable insights and practical policy recommendations to address these challenges.

In conclusion, the event successfully met its key objectives. It covered a comprehensive range of topics, skillfully combining theoretical discussions and debates with tabletop exercises. Moreover, the simulation exercise proved to be an innovative and effective approach to exploring the complexities of managing tech-driven conflicts.


자산 발행인


Vu Thi Thu Phuong


Project Manager

Phuong.Vu@kas.de +84 24 3 7186194 /17 +84 24 37186197


자산 발행인

자산 발행인

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