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Politische Akademie III

Wirtschaftliche und soziale Herausforderungen

Bei den nun siebten Wochenende werden die Teilnehmer von namhaften Experten in die internationale Wirtschaft eingeführt. Kernthemen werden die Globalisierung, Privatisierung und das System der internationalen Finanzwirtschaft sein.

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Saturday, 04th of March 2006

09:30-10:45Basic principles of the Social Market Economy

Prof. Dr. Dimitar Gelev, Faculty of Law

10:45 -11:15Coffee break

11:15 -12:30Privatization and the social costs of transition

Prof. Dr. Trajko Slavevski, Faculty of Econimics

12:30 -13:30Lunch

13:30 -14:45Budget, Taxation (+ issue of corruption)

(Subsidiary of the state, quick and efficient: the need of citizens to pay their taxes)

Prof. D-r Zivko Atanasovski, Faculty of Econimics

14:45 -15:15Coffee break

15:15 -16:30Globalization – a challenge or a threat? Its influence on everyday policy making process

Ivica Bocevski MA, Insitute for Democracy, Solidarity and Civic Society

Sunday, 05th of March 2006

10:00 -11:15Foreign Direct Investments– is a Country on Sale?

Dr. Zoran Jolevski, World Trade Organization

11:15 -11:45Coffee break

11:45 -13:00International Financial Organizations:

WTO, IMF and World Bank, three pillars of the world economy

Dr. Zoran Jolevski, World Trade Organization

End of the Seminar, Departure

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Внеси во календар


Hotel Holiday Inn, Skopje


  • Prof. Dr. Dimitar Gelev
    • Prof. D-r Zivko Atanasovski
      • Prof. Dr. Trajko Slavevski
        • Dr. Zoran Jolevski
          • Ivica Bocevski MA

            Ulrich Kleppmann

            Ulrich Kleppmann bild

            Director of the Skopje Office, Macedonia