Saturday, 04th of March 2006
09:30-10:45Basic principles of the Social Market Economy
Prof. Dr. Dimitar Gelev, Faculty of Law
10:45 -11:15Coffee break
11:15 -12:30Privatization and the social costs of transition
Prof. Dr. Trajko Slavevski, Faculty of Econimics
12:30 -13:30Lunch
13:30 -14:45Budget, Taxation (+ issue of corruption)
(Subsidiary of the state, quick and efficient: the need of citizens to pay their taxes)
Prof. D-r Zivko Atanasovski, Faculty of Econimics
14:45 -15:15Coffee break
15:15 -16:30Globalization – a challenge or a threat? Its influence on everyday policy making process
Ivica Bocevski MA, Insitute for Democracy, Solidarity and Civic Society
Sunday, 05th of March 2006
10:00 -11:15Foreign Direct Investments– is a Country on Sale?
Dr. Zoran Jolevski, World Trade Organization
11:15 -11:45Coffee break
11:45 -13:00International Financial Organizations:
WTO, IMF and World Bank, three pillars of the world economy
Dr. Zoran Jolevski, World Trade Organization
End of the Seminar, Departure