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The Role of Women in Politics and Society

Women Members of the Democratic Party participated in a public speakers training competition that was organized together with the Democratic women´s association.

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Нарийвчилсан мэдээлэл

Participants were trained in rhetorical methods, how to give a speech or a lecture and how to make a presentation. Active members of the Democratic Women’s Union took part in training. The purpose of the training was primarily focused on creating opportunities for women to participate in politics, to increase the possibility to be elected for public office and to encourage participation in making decisions for local districts.

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Хуанли дээр тэмдэглэх

Зохион байгуулах газар


Холбоо барих

Johannes D. Rey

Johannes D. Rey (2020) kas

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Kasachstan +7 7172 92 50 31
Workshop 20.04.2012 Gabi
Workshop 20.04.2012 Gabi
Workshop 20.04.2012 Gabi
Workshop 20.04.2012 Gabi

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