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SEEMF 2017: "Public discourse in Europe: Can media help to save democracy?"

Quelle: Ansa

Media freedom, disinformation and media literacy as well as European values and integration were the focus of the XI. South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) in Sofia on 27 and 28 November 2017.

Seemf, journalism debate about its rule in democracy

SOFIA, 30 NOV - Political power try more and more interferences on press, especially in South and East countries, where tweeter is not so widespread as in Western countries, because people prefer facebook. In Centre Europe, instead, is expecting the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in journalism and too many are journalism schools that 'produce' public relation employers. These are some of the arguments debated in two-days "Public discourse in Europe: Can media help to save democracy?" the International Conference Seemf (South East Europe Media Forum) organized by South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO; Vienna), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Berlin), Central European Initiative (Cei; Trieste).Journalists, news anchors, editors from twenty countries (Balkans, Central Europe, South East Europe) debated about the role of journalism and media business today in the context of fake news, populism, budget constraints and digital revolution."The main aim of the forum is bringing people together from different countries, with different tradition, to help us in journalism to solve problems, communicate, speaking about business media - explained Oliver Vujovic, Seemo Secretary General, at the end of the Forum - and I am very satisfied. We need - continue Vujovic - a strong cooperation between the journalists, investigative reporters exchanging information".Many are the case of journalists in the area of SEEMO attacked, threated. Vujovic talked about a recent case in Serbia of "journalist visibly attacked by people who presented as security of the prime-minister and president of Serbia; the judge said that people who physically attacked the journalist are not guilty, that the journalists are responsible by themselves, why they have been there to report, so that's the big problem on the court level".Barbara Fabro Central European Initiatives (CEI; Trieste) Senior Executive Officer, defined the Sofia meeting an "extraordinary chance to follow-up the keys arguments about media situation in the area, also throughout experiences exchange and good practices, promoting collaborations and synergy". Next SEEMO forum will be kept in Tirana in 2018 where many Italian companies are active. "For SEEMO as a regional organisation the partnership with CEI is very important, as a bridge connecting: CEI is helping to have together, Romania as a EU country, Ukraine or Albania, so it brings together EU and non-EU countries for that reason it's crucial for also the press freedom in this part of Europe. Europe will develop", concluded Vujovic. (ANSA).


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