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Namibian News

Published: Daily

Language: English

About: Government-owned newspaper published by the Ministry of Finance.

Owner: state-owned

Allgemeine Zeitung

Published: Daily

Language: German

About: Was established in 1916 and is the oldest German daily newspaper in Namibia.

Website: az.com.na

Owner: Democratic Media Holdings

The Namibian

Published: Daily

Language: English and Ovambo

About: Largest daily independent newspaper in Namibia, critical towards the government.

Website: namibian.com.na

Owner: The Namibian Ltd.

New Era

Published: Daily

Language: English and indigenous Namibian languages

About: State-owned newspaper that contains news and feature articles on political, socio-economic, cultural, governmental and developmental issues of national, regional and international significance.

Website: newera.com.na

Owner: New Era Publication Corporation

Namibia Economist

Published: Weekly

Language: English

About: Leading public source of business intelligence.

Website: economist.com.na

Owner: Democratic Media Holdings

Die Republikein

Published: Daily

Language: Afrikaans, English, German

About: Quite conservative newspaper that publishes as well articles in English as in Oshivambo.

Website: republikein.com.na

Owner: Democratic Media Holdings


Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC)

About: State-owned broadcaster that runs a couple of radio stations in different languages as

•National Radio: 24h English programme

•Afrikaans Radio Service: Daily from 6am-9pm

•Deutsches Hörfunkprogramm: German

•Lozi Service, Oshiwambo Service, Tswana Radio and some more

Main Website: nbc.na

Some private radio stations as

•Hitradio Namibia hitradio.com.na

•Radio Kudu kudufm.com

•Radio Wave radiowave.com.na

•Channel 7 (private religious station)


Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC)

About: State-owned television network that runs only one television channel and tries to cater to all the linguistic audiences in Namibia, although the dominant language is English.

Main Website: nbc.na

One African

About: First private and commercial television programme in Namibia broadcasting local and international series, shows and news. Since 2009 there is a corporation with the South African broadcaster e-tv in exchanging series. Programme is available in mostly all regions of Namibia.

Website: oneafrica.tv

Owner: One Africa Television

News Agency

Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA)

About: NamPA was established in 1991 as a national news agency responsible for the distribution of local, regional, and international news as well as picture services to the local and international media organisations, institutions and individuals.

Website: nampa.org

Online Media


Language: English

Website: inamibia.co.na


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