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Traduceri ale deciziilor Curții Constituționale Federale

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Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

Constitutional Courts are the guardians of a constitution and are so upholding the rule of law in a country and protecting the basic human rights. The German Federal Constitutional Court has in this regard a prominent position and is in the South East Europe Region regarded as a role model. Its legal reasoning and argumentation are well received from constitutional courts, practitioners and academics in this region. Understanding the constitution as a living instrument is paramount for the development of a modern and democratic state which is based upon the principle of the rule of law. The relevant jurisprudence of the German Federal Constitutional Court can provide guidance and contribute to this goal.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Traducerea deciziilor selectate ale Curții Constituționale Federale Germane

Construirea statului necesită consolidarea de instituții - îmbunătățirea conceptului de stat de drept presupune instituționalizarea unui sistem judiciar independent. O garanție eficientă a ordinii constituționale poate fi realizată numai prin proceduri eficiente de control care susțin principiile fundamentale ale guvernului, drepturile și libertățile constituționale etc


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.

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Despre această serie

Pentru a consolida cooperarea instituțională și judiciară între Germania și țările din Europa de Sud-Est, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung consideră traducerile deciziilor Curții Constituționale Federale drept un pas important în păstrarea drepturilor și libertăților fundamentale, instituirea unei ordini constituționale și consolidarea statului de drept. Toate deciziile traduse până acum pot fi accesate în mai multe limbi oficiale ale țărilor din regiune (fișier PDF și EPUB).