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Hội nghị chuyên đề

Enhancing people's participation in policy making processes in East Asia: Comparative analyses

Scholars will analyze grassroots democracy in some countries in the East Asian region from different perspectives. High on the agenda will also be citizens' participation in policy-making process in the time of 4.0 industrial revolution.

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địa điểm tổ chức



  • Prof. John Keane
    • Prof. Benjamin Reilly
      • Prof. Edmund Malesky
        • Prof. Baogang He
          • Prof. Pham Quang Minh
            tiếp xúc

            Peter Girke

            Peter Girke (2021)

            Leiter Personal Ausland

            peter.girke@kas.de +49 30 - 26996 - 3365

            Xuất bản thông tin

            Xuất bản thông tin

            đối tác

            University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), VNU Hanoi

            được cung cấp bởi

            Văn phòng Foundation Việt Nam