
KAS/SUIBE Scholarship Programme 2013/2014


The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung scholarship programme for graduate students of the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) supports young talented students to achieve their academic goals. The scholarship consists of a grant in the amount of 4.000 RMB over one year as well as the opportunity to take part in selected events of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung | Shanghai on a wide range of topics in fields such as economic policy and international relations. Students in the first or second year of their graduate studies at SUIBE can apply for a scholarship.

Every student has to hand in his application including a short article on a current topic (as specified in the announcement which can be downloaded below) in English until the 31st of July. In a next step the students that have written an excellent essay will be invited to a personal interview in September during which they will have to defend their theses and answer questions on the political system and the functions of political foundations in Germany.

The scholarship students will be jointly chosen by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics and the scholarship will be awarded officially by the end of September.

Please only use the form you find below for your application and send it to shanghai@kas.de by the 31st of July.




Ying Kou

项目助理 项目办公室 中国 / 上海
