ناشر الأصول

لقاء خبراء

Post-COP21 Expertengespräch

“The Agreement of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris: Challenges and Opportunities for Africa”

Die Expertenrunde beleuchtet die Vereinbarung der UN-Weltklimakonferenz 2015 in Paris sowie deren Bedeutung für Südafrika. Welche Herausforderungen und Chancen ergeben sich daraus für Südafrika und welche Rolle spielen dabei die Institutionen?

ناشر الأصول



2015 has been a critical year for humanity especially as regards climate justice. Our civilization and particularly, the most vulnerable in our societies have never faced such existential risks as the one’s associated with global warming, which inevitably requires reaching a zero-carbon society by mid-century or shortly thereafter, thereby limiting global warming to below 2°C.

On 12 December 2015 representatives of 195 nations reached an agreement at COP21 in Paris to commit nearly every country to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions to curb the effects of climate change. The deal represents a historic breakthrough on an issue that has foiled decades of international efforts to address climate change.

The Paris Agreement documents the international community commitment to a global transformation towards a climate-friendly economy; but it also contains comprehensive stipulations on adapting to climate change, dealing with loss and damage caused by the consequences of global warming, and financial commitments and other offers of support by the rich countries.

The challenge now is to breathe life into the obligations arising out of the Paris Agreement and to translate this into decarbonization roadmaps in all the states.

The aim of the Roundtable is to investigate in an interdisciplinary manner, what challenges and opportunities arise from the Agreement and how law, politics, finance and related mechanisms can further climate change justice ahead and enfold protection mechanisms for the most vulnerable. At the same time the group of experts will focus on new development pathways related to climate change that can make Southern Africa leapfrog economically, adapt to and mitigate climate change and alleviate poverty.

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KAS-office Johannesburg
60 Hume Road60 Hume Road, Dunkeld 2196,
2193 Dunkeld, Johannesburg
Republic of South Africa
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مكبرات الصوت

  • Dr Debra Roberts
    • IPCC Co-Chair Working Group-II
      • DurbanProf. Oliver Ruppel
        • IPCC Coordinating Lead Author 5th Assessment ReportMs Telly Chauke
          • SALGAMr Andrew Gilder
            • ENSafricaProf. Godwell Nhamo
              • UNISA


                Das COP21-Abkommen: Auswirkungen und Möglichkeiten für Subsahara-Afrika: Post-COP21 Expert Roundtable-Discussion
                اقرأ الآن

                Tilmann Feltes

                Tilmann Feltes Portrait

                Leiter des Auslandsbüros Tansania

                tilmann.feltes@kas.de +255 22 2153174
                Veranstalter Herr Dr. Dix (KAS)und Prof.Dr. Ruppel (DROP) privat
                Chair Dr. Debra Roberts privat
                Diskussionsteilnehmer privat
                Telly Chauke(SALGA) und Prof. Godwell Nhamo (UNISA) privat
                Lydia Mogano (SAFCEI)und Cyril Prinsloo (SAIIA) privat

                ناشر الأصول

                ناشر الأصول


                University of Stellenbosch Development and Rule of Law Programme (DROP)

                المقدمة من قبل

                Auslandsbüro Südafrika