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Berlin Belarus Future Forum
“A democratic Belarus in the European Family”
Over four years have passed since the fraudulent elections and state violence in Belarus sparked unprecedented peaceful protests and opened a new chapter in the society’s struggle for democracy. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya as well as thousands of her voters and supporters were forced into exile from where they continue their work. Ever since, the Western world has developed new mechanisms of support for them while largely cutting its relations with the Lukashenka-regime. For Germany, the resolution passed by the German Bundestag in November 2023 defined the country’s position in an exemplary manner including many concrete calls for action towards the federal government. At the Berlin Belarus Future Forum, we want to take a look at the present situation in Belarus together with our partners but also take stock of where Germany and Europe stand in their support for democratic Belarus just a few months before the regime’s next presidential “elections”. After the podium discussion you will have a chance to listen to some Belarusian music by rock legend Lavon Volski and attend the world premiere of the Belarus Block Buster “7 Symtoms of Belaruskast” (see below).
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Политика декоммунизации. Опыт Восточной и Центральной Европы
Круглый стол в рамках проекта “Коммунистическое наследие в Беларуси и странах ЕС: проблематика интерпретации и актуальность сохранения”
Центр европейских исследований Вилфрида Мартенса (Бельгия) и Фонд им. Конрада Аденауэра (Беларусь), при участии Европейского гуманитарного университета (Литва), реализуют проект “Коммунистическое наследие в Беларуси и странах ЕС: проблематика интерпретации и актуальность сохранения”.