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Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality

Voices from Tanzania

In recent years, the global discourse on gender equality and women's empowerment has seen unprecedented momentum. A significant manifestation of this shift in Tanzania is embodied by Samia Suluhu Hassan's remarkable journey. Following President Magufuli's unexpected passing, she assumed office as Tanzania's first female president on March 19, 2021 (Africa Renewal, 2021). This milestone not only marks a profound departure from the traditionally male-dominated realm of politics but also underscores the ongoing struggle for gender parity and women's rights. Samia Suluhu Hassan's presidency stands as a beacon of inspiration, illustrating the breaking of gender barriers and establishing a precedent for women's leadership at the highest levels of Tanzanian governance (Africa Renewal, 2021). This paper aims to scrutinize the specific policies and reforms spearheaded by President Samia to advance women's empowerment and gender equality in Tanzania, emphasizing both the accomplishments and challenges of her tenure as the country's inaugural female president. It further evaluates the hurdles encountered in executing these initiatives, while examining the transformative influence of her presidency on traditional gender norms and societal expectations in Tanzania.

Издател на активи

Издател на активи

Лица за контакт

Tilmann Feltes

Tilmann Feltes Portrait

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Tansania

tilmann.feltes@kas.de +255 22 2153174


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Издател на активи

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