Издател на активи

Доклади за събития

Adenauer Media Lecture in Johannesburg

Lecture with Dr. Peter Frey, former Editor-in-Chief of the ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) on "The Role of Public Service Broadcasting in a Democracy - Lessons from Germany"

Издател на активи


The KAS Media Programme Sub-Saharan Africa organised its second Adenauer Media Lecture, co-hosted with the Centre of Journalism at Wits University in Johannesburg. Dr. Peter Frey, former Editor-in-Chief of the ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen), gave a lecture on the topic, "The Role of Public Service Broadcasting in a Democracy - Lessons from Germany ".  

During his lecture, Dr. Frey gave a greatly detailed insight into the German Public Broadcasting System and stressed the importance of it being independent of the politics. He additionally explained the financing system of the public broadcasting service through a contribution and the purpose of it.

His lecture was followed by a lively debate with participants, including journalism students, media experts, and journalists, sharing their views and asking numerous questions to our lecturer. We are truly grateful to each our participants, especially Dr. Dinesh Balliah, the Director of the Wits Centre for Journalism, for making this Adenauer Media Lecture a success.

Издател на активи


Cailan Ferreira-Mokoka

Cailan Ferreira-Mokoka


cailan.ferreira-mokoka@kas.de +27 (11) 214 29 00


Издател на активи

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