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KAS Supported the Africa Journalism and Media Summit in Harare, 2024

From Chaos to Clarity: Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption

The 2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit, held in Harare, Zimbabwe, from November 12 to 14, provided an essential platform for journalists, media experts, media owners and other stakeholders in the industry, to navigate the challenges facing local journalism.

Издател на активи


This year the focus was local journalism under the umbrella of “Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption”. Recognising the impact of rapid digitisation and struggling economies, the Summit’s programme featured a wide range of topics, from resilience, sustainability and regulation to innovation, woman in media, and AI and Disinformation.

KAS Media Africa supported this pivotal event, facilitating the participation of leading media experts from Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Malawi, and Germany. Through dynamic workshops, thought-provoking panels, and collaborative sessions, the summit advanced critical conversations around strengthening local journalism’s role in upholding democracy and serving communities across the continent.

Издател на активи

Лица за контакт

Rebecca Sibanda

Rebecca Sibanda


rebecca.sibanda@kas.de +27 (11) 214 2900 +27 11 214 2913/4


Издател на активи

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