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Izvještaji o stanju u zemljama

Environment, Social and Governance for SMEs Resilience

Case Insights for a Sustainable Future

This report offers a panoramic view of the sustainability journey of various Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), from traditional enterprises to innovative digital start-ups, in Malaysia that have reimagined their operations with a sustainable lens. These case studies provide a comprehensive perspective on the integration of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) practices into different business models and their pivotal role in enhancing business resilience and competitiveness.

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Über diese Reihe

Fondacija Konrad Adenauer ima predstavništva u oko 80 zemalja svijeta na pet kontinenata. Direktori predstavništava sa lica mjesta mogu iz prve ruke izvještavati o trenutnim događajima i dugoročnim zbivanjima u zemlji u kojoj su raspoređeni. U "izvještajima o stanju u zemlji" oni nude korisnicima Web stranice Fondacije Konrad Adenauer ekskluzivne analize, pozadinske informacije i procjene.

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