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Ein Jahr nach dem Arabischen Frühling

Europa und die arabischen Länder

Europäisch-Arabischer Jugendkongress

Asset Publisher



Monday, April 16, 2012

until 12 o’clock

arrival and registration of the participants,

assignment to the workshops

12.30 h


14.00 h

Welcome and Opening Addresses

  • Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering MEP

    former President of the European Parliament

    Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

  • HRH Prince El-Hassan bin Talaal

    member of the Jordanian Royal Family (video-message)

14.30 h

„One Year after the Arab Spring: Europe and the Arab States“

Panel Discussion


  • Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering MEP

    former President of the European Parliament

    Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

  • Prof. Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga

    former President of the Republic Latvia

  • Anwar Esmat El Sadat

    Co-Founder of the Reform and Development Party in Egypt

    founder and chairman of the El Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare member of the Board of Directors of the General Federation of NGOs/Foundations – Egypt

  • Mohammed Tawfik Mouline

    General Director of the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES)

    Kingdom of Morocco


  • Dima Tarhini

    Presenter, DW-TV

16.00 h

Coffee Break

16.30 h


Workshop I: Images and Conceptions: What do Young Arabs Think about Germany/Europe? What do Young Europeans Think about the Arab Countries in the Wake of the Revolution?


  • Benedict Pöttering

    Vice president of the Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP)

  • Mirette Bakir

    Scholar of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

  • Maria Fuster

    International Secretary of Nuevas Generaciones del Partido Popular, Spain

  • Najem Wali

    Writer and journalist

Workshop II: The Relationship between Muslims and Christians


  • Anba Damian

    General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Germany

  • Honey Deihimi

    Head of the Department “Social Integration” at the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration

  • Bacem Dziri

    President of the Council of Muslim Students and Academics in Germany

    Scholar of Islamic Studies, University of Osnabrueck

  • Barbara Bishay, M.A.

    Co-Founder and Vice-Chairwoman of the executive board of Mayadin al-Tahrir, Berlin

Workshop III: The European Union and the Mediterranean - Which Role Ought Germany to Play?


  • Gert-Olav Göhs

    Political Programs and Analyses, national headquarters of the CDU

  • Prof. Dr. Annette Jünemann

    Professor for political science and international relations,

    Helmut-Schmidt-University - University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg

  • Samuel Laufer

    International Secretary of Jeunes Populaires, France

  • Dr. Said Moufti
Research Director, Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES)

Kingdom of Morocco

Workshop IV: The Social Media and their Role in Politics and Society


  • Dr. Stefan Hennewig

    Head of Internal Management at the national headquarters of the CDU

  • Dr. Asiem El Difraoui

    German Institute for International and Security Affairs

  • Iryna Vidanava

    founder of 34 Multimedia Magazine (

    member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists

  • Aymen Talbi (tbc)

Member of the Association of Tunisian Bloggers

Member of the National Association of Human Rights

Workshop V: The Position and Role of Men and Women in Society


  • Samir Nasr


  • Arba Kokalari

    International secretary for foreign policy, The Moderate Youth League of Sweden (MUF)

  • Saba Farzan

    Journalist, Senior Fellow on Women's Rights at Institute for Middle Eastern Democracy in London

19.00 h


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

09.00 h

Continuation of the workshops

12.30 h


14.00 h

Presentation and discussion of the results of the workshops

16.30 h

Summary and farewell address

17.30 h

Farewell Reception

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Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
Tiergartenstr. 35,
10785 Berlin

Put do nas


One Year after the "Arab Spring": European-Arab Youth Congress at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Pročitaj sada
"Images and Conceptions": Report work shop I
Pročitaj sada
"The Relationship between Muslims and Christians": Report work shop II
Pročitaj sada
"The European Union and the Mediterranean": Report work shop III
Pročitaj sada
"The Social Media and their Role in Politics and Society": Report work shop IV
Pročitaj sada
"The Position and Role of Men and Women in society": Report work shop V
Pročitaj sada
Jugend fordert mehr Einfluss auf demokratische Entwicklung: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung veranstaltet europäisch-arabischen Jugendkongress
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Jugendliche aus Europa und arabischen Staaten setzen auf Dialog: Ein Jahr nach Ausbruch des arabischen Frühlings ist Geduld gefragt
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Rita Schorpp


Petra Springfeld

Asset Publisher

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