Every good study has to find its way to the audience. That is why we officially presented our new Study about “AI-Generated Disinformation in Europe and Africa” in Berlin and Brussels from 17-20 March together with the two authors Karen Allen from South Africa, and Dr Christopher Nehring from Germany.
Around 50 guests attended the presentation in Berlin at the Academy of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on 17 March. In addition to numerous press interviews, the programme in the German capital also included an in-depth background discussion at the Deutsche Welle Academy.
In Brussels, the presentation took place with around 20 guests in the beautiful conference room of the KAS European Office. Further meetings followed at the EU Commission, the European External Action Service and NATO.
The study identifies the existing forms of AI-generated disinformation. It names actors and targets using concrete examples. It also presents measures against disinformation and lists concrete recommendations for countermeasures. For the first time, the study compares the current challenges related to AI-generated disinformation in Europe and Africa.
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Call for Proposals: Lecturer, E-lection Bridge Academy, 15 – 19 April 2024, Mombasa Kenya.
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