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Ekspertski razgovor

Platforma 2024 Expert Meeting

Organised by Tech and Tonic Association

Tech and Tonic is implementing the Platforma 2024 project with support from the Transatlantic Foundation and the European Commission. 2024 is a defining year for democracy in Romania, being the only year so far with all four rounds of elections. In this context, the association aims to initiate a genuine discussion on democracy and public policy in Romania, observing how specific themes are reflected in electoral campaigns, how candidates’ discourse evolves, and how citizens engage in elections. This effort will be supported by research technologies, data analysis, and visual information presentation, alongside relevant actors from fields of interest. The experts come from various fields (justice, social affairs, urban planning, economy), the main goal being to create a space for intersectoral dialogue that will also cover issues such as: review of project activities, including topics addressed in the public and political speech and lessons learned during this year of elections as well as planning and prioritising analysis themes for the upcoming years.

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