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Studijski i infomativni program

Schule für Demokratie

Hauptziel der Veranstaltung ist es aktive Bürgerbeteiligung durch Stärkung des Konzepts des Rechtsstaates und Good Governance bei einer Gruppe von Lehrer mit Führungspotential zu fördern.

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School for Democracy is a continuous program that tackles with the low rate of civic involvement in Romania and the region due to knowledge on human rights and rule of law of the youth. Taking into consideration the worrying results of recent polls that underline the orientation towards authoritarian behaviours and the lack of interests towards involvement in public affairs, the activities within the program aim to teach the participants in a non-formal and participants manner essential information on active citizenship.

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Eröffnungsrede "Schule für Demokratie": Sinaia, Rumänien
Pročitaj sada

Doru Toma

Doru Toma bild

Koordinator projekata +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 323 31 27

Asset Publisher


Expert Forum Romania, EFOR (Rumänien)

Stavljeno na raspolaganje od strane

Program vladavine prava za Jugoistočnu Evropu