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Unschuldsvermutung gemäß des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte

Unterstützung der Rechtstaatsreform

"The presumption of innocence under the ECHR - the role of media and public officials" is organized by KAS RLPSEE in cooperation with the Center for Democracy and Human Rights Montenegro (CEDEM).

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The seminar is part of the one year long project "Supporting Rule of Law Reform: Strengthening access to criminal justice". The main objective of the project is to support the overall rule of law reform in Montenegro, by strengthening capacities for delivering and administrating criminal justice, so that fair and transparent criminal justice system is in place for the benefit of citizens.

The project will underpin state’s capacity building efforts within judiciary, thus supporting the implementation of the recently adopted Judicial Reform Strategy 2013 – 2017 and one of its main objectives to create efficient, professional and transparent civil service through law enforcement and capacity building.

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Dodati u kalendar

Mjesto održavanja

Podgorica, Montenegro


  • Vesna Medenica
    • British Ambassador to Montenegro
      • German Ambassador to Montenegro
        • Thorsten Geissler
          • Biljana Braithwaite
            • Nenad Koprivica
              • Nuala Mole


                Die Unschuldsvermutung laut Europäischem Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte: Rolle der Medien und Regierungsbeamte
                Pročitaj sada

                Doru Toma

                Doru Toma bild

                Koordinator projekata

       +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 323 31 27
                Izvještaji o manifestacijama
                23. februar 2015.
                Pročitaj sada

                Asset Publisher

                Stavljeno na raspolaganje od strane

                Program vladavine prava za Jugoistočnu Evropu