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Izvještaji o manifestacijama

God and Democracy

A Handbook on the Rights of Religious Communities and the Freedom of Relgion in the Republic of Macedonia

The authors of the Handbook are Prof. Dr. Tanja Karakamisheva-Jovanovska and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Spasenovski from the Faculty of Law “Iustinianius Primus” of the University “Saints Cyril and Methodius” Skopje.

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The Faculty of Law “Iustinianius Primus” of the University “Saints Cyril and Methodius” Skopje  in cooperation with the Rule of Law Programme South East Europe conducted a study on the rule of law and the current situation of the religious communities within the constitutional system of the Republic of Macedonia.

Selected chapters have been translated into English (download below).
The Handbook in its original language can also be downloaded  from our website.

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O ovoj seriji

Zaklada Konrad-Adenauer, njene obrazovne ustanove, obrazovni centri i predstavništva u inostranstvu svake godine nude tisuće raznih priredbi i akcija na razne teme. O odabranim konferencijama, događajima, simpozijima itd. obavještavamo Vas aktualno i ekskluzivno na web stranici Na ovoj stranici ćete naći, pored sažetaka sadržaja, i dodatne prateće materijale kao što su slike, rukopisi govora, video i audio sadržaje.

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