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Izvještaji o manifestacijama

Proposal of the German Presidency of the European Council for minimum standards in criminal proceedings within the EU

by Ministerialdirigent Eberhard Siegismund

In context of the Presidency, the German Federal Court of Justice (FCJ) is engaging in a pan-European decision on minimum standards in criminal proceedings. The purpose of the initiative is to reconcile the permissions for intervention by the judiciary and the police on the one hand with the right to protection by suspects/accused on the other hand. The chairman of the task force Material Criminal Law in Brussels, MDgT Eberhard Siegismund (FCJ), presented the decision on a regional conference in Bucharest on 14 May 2007.

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Zaklada Konrad-Adenauer, njene obrazovne ustanove, obrazovni centri i predstavništva u inostranstvu svake godine nude tisuće raznih priredbi i akcija na razne teme. O odabranim konferencijama, događajima, simpozijima itd. obavještavamo Vas aktualno i ekskluzivno na web stranici Na ovoj stranici ćete naći, pored sažetaka sadržaja, i dodatne prateće materijale kao što su slike, rukopisi govora, video i audio sadržaje.

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