Regional Conference
„Youth Politics and Youth Party Organizations in South-East-Europe”
- How can youth contribute to a peaceful, stable and prosperous future?
Sarajevo, 24 - 26 October 2008
Friday, 24th October 2008
17.00 hRegistration
17.30 hOpening Remarks:
Dr. Christina Catherine Krause
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Country Representative
Drs. Arnold van Velzen
Eduardo Frei Foundation, Project Secretary
Yannis Smyrlis
Youth of the European People's Party, President
18.00 hIntroducing participants
and presentation of the parties from SEE
(5 minutes each party)
19.30 hDinner reception
Informal conversation with Presidents of People’s parties from BiH
Saturday, October 25th, 2008
10.00 h„Perspectives of the Region vis a vis the EU enlargement“
Osman Topčagić - tbc
Directorate for European Integration
11.00 hCoffee Break
11.15 h“Is SEE economically moving together? CEFTA and the Process of economic reforms set by the EU agenda”
Nand Shani
Expert on Economic and Social Development
of the Regional Cooperation Council
12.15 hBreak
12.30 h“Cooperation between EPP-Parties in SEE“
Kostas Sasmatzoglou - tbc
European People's Party
13.30 hLunch
14.30 h"YEPP Identity, Structure and Goals"
Yannis Smyrlis
Youth of the European People's Party
15.30 hCoffee break
15.45 h“Youth of political parties and youth politics – structures and goals”
Fenny Helfferich
CDJA National Board Political Affairs
16.45 hBreak
17.00 hWorking groups
"Exchange of ideas and experiences of organisation and role of People's Parties Youth Organisations"
Wg 1: Ageing and politics, the role of youth in an ageing society
Wg 2: Future of the EU, opportunities after the no-votes in France, Netherlands and
Moderation: YEPP Board members
17.45 hPresentation of WG-findings
18.30 hEvaluation and Conclusions
20.00 hDinner Party
Sunday, October 26th, 2008
10.00 hSightseeing
This Conference is organized in cooperation with the European People’s Party.