Monday, 16th October 2006
19.00Opening Dinner
Keynote speaker:
Dr Jamie Shea, Head of Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, NATO Hq
Tuesday, 17th October
8.30 – 9.00Registration of Participants
9.00 - 9.15Welcome remarks by Dr. Peter R. Weilemann, Director of the Brussels Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and
Jean Fournet, Assistant Secretary General, Public Diplomacy Division, NATO Hq
Morning Panel:
Afghanistan - Multinational Cooperation in State-Building
Moderator: Jean Fournet, Assistant Secretary General, Public Diplomacy Division, NATO Hq
9.15 – 10.30Part I: Institutional Viewpoints
Terence Jagger, The Political Adviser to the Commander of ISAF IX, NATO International Security Assistance Force, Afghanistan
Dr Sari Kouvo, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Gender Adviser, Office of the EU Special Representative for Afghanistan, Kabul
Mr Richard Ponzio, Strategic Planning Advisor, UNDP Country Office Afghanistan
10.30 – 11.00Coffee break
11.00 – 12:30 Part II: NGO Perspectives: Responses and Open Discussion
Ms. Anja de Beer, Director of the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief
Diederik de Boer, Central Asia Senior Programme Officer, CORDAID, Caritas in the Netherlands
12.45 – 14.15Hosted buffet luncheon
Afternoon Panel: Pakistan - Civil-Military Cooperation in Natural Disaster
Moderator: Ambassador Maurits Jochems, Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Operations Division, NATO Hq
14.30 – 15.30Part I: Institutional Viewpoints
Air Commodore Andy Walton, Former Commander of the NATO Disaster Relief Mission to Pakistan
Dr Jan Vandemoortele, UN Relief Coordinator for Pakistan
Ms Ahmad Humaira, Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA)
15:30 – 15:45Coffee break
15:45 – 16:30 Part II: NGO Perspectives: Responses and Open Discussion
Dr Samina Ahmed, South Asia Project Director, International Crisis Group
Richard Luff, Humanitarian Department, Oxfam
Wrap-up Panel: Views on the Way Ahead
Moderator:Dr Jamie Shea, Head of Policy Planning, Private Office of the Secretary General, NATO Hq
16.30-17.30: Addressed by: Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo, NATO Deputy Secretary General
With the participation of Jan Top Christensen, Head of Department for Humanitarian Assistance and NGO cooperation, Ambassador Friedrich Däuble, Commissioner for Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Peace-Building and Chris Cooter, Canadian Deputy Permanent Representative to NATO, former Director of the Policy Planning Division at the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs