Agreements to date have focused on capping inframarginal profits on the power markets and a profit claw back on oil and gas, without addressing the exponential growth of gas prices. The revenues from these measures do not suffice to successfully tackle the cause of the high cost of gas. On the contrary, their scope for action merely targets the symptoms. Amongst the measures currently discussed, no single option stands out. All instruments bear solutions, yet uncovering additional challenges. The focus on retail-level interventions would lead to financial burdens for Member States, but wholesale- level measures need to be carefully designed as to not disrupt the EU’s energy market in the long term.
This panel discussion will hence focus on the emergency measures on the energy market design. The introductory remarks will provide a brief and condensed overview of the developments of the topic with a specific focus on the question of gas price caps and allocation of scarce gas within the EU. Panellists will then move on to a discussion, beginning with their position on the topic, and their interpretation of the most recent outcome of institutional discussions. Participants will dive in depth into the perspectives and provide a better feel of the challenges and opportunities, to ultimately make better sense of the actions taken and proposed.
The European Office of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and EPICO KlimaInnovation kindly invite you to join our forthcoming panel discussion "How to knit EU gas price caps? A reflection on emergency measures on the energy market design", on Monday, 14 November 2022 from 12.30 h to 14.00 h. The event will take place with a hybrid format, with panelists interacting in person, and the audience joining online via Zoom.
For registration, please use this LINK.
We are looking forward to your participation!
Hier finden Sie das Programm zum Download: Programme 22-11-14 How to knit EU Price Caps.pdf