

Trade defence modernisation: A sufficient response to today`s challenges?

The 23rd session of the joint BDI/KAS Working Group on International trade will focus on the issue of 'Trade defence'.



Since 90 % of global growth will soon be generated outside of the EU, open markets and fair trading condition will increasingly become a prerequisite for a prosperous Europe. The use of trade defence instruments (TDI), such as antidumping or anti-subsidy duties, is one option to restore a level playing field between domestic and foreign producers. Against the backdrop of current trade disputes with China, we would like to discuss with you the current efforts to modernise EU’s system of TDI. Will the first thorough review since 15 years create effective TDI that are able to protect EU business interest rather than to trigger off new trade conflicts?

Speakers will be Wolfgang Müller (Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission) and Manfred Queck (Economic Advisor,Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany)

The session will be held on Thursday, 5 September 2013 from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. at the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Avenue de l’Yser 11, 1040 Bruxelles. The working language is English.


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Referentinnen und Referenten

  • Wolfgang Müller and Manfred Queck

    Eva Majewski



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    Europabüro Brüssel