

Burgas Konnektivitätsforum 2024

Nationen verbinden

Verkehrsanbindung ist ein greifbares Symbol der europäischen Einheit und Integration. Das Burgas Konnektivitätsforum 2024 ist eine einzigartige Veranstaltung, die Experten und politische Entscheidungsträger zusammenbringt, um die neuesten Trends, Herausforderungen und Chancen im Bereich der Vernetzung zu diskutieren.



Burgas Connectivity Forum 2024 herunterladen

Burgas Connectivity Forum 2024:

Connecting nations


International Congress Center Burgas


Working languages: Bulgarian and English


31st of May Program


10:00 – 10:30

Registration and Welcome Coffee


10:30 – 11:00

Greetings and Opening

Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes,

Director of Konrad Adenauer Foundation Bulgaria


Klaus Fiesinger, /Video address/

Regional Director for Southeast Europe, Hanns Seidel Foundation


Irene Maria Plank,

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bulgaria


Mariya Gabriel,

European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth



Dimitar Nikolov,

Mayor of Burgas


11:00 – 11:15

Setting the stage:

Connectivity as EU-Integration tool


Rosen Plevneliev,

4th President of the Republic of Bulgaria,

Minister of Regional development and public works (2009 -2011)


11:15 – 11:30

Setting the stage: Transport connectivity and Corridor 8


Georgi Gvozdeykov,

Minister of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Bulgaria                                                                                                                                                         

11:30 – 11:45

Inputs: Nuclear energy investments – regional cooperation and national security. The importance of the Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy for energy resilience in Southeast Europe.


Valentin Nikolov,

Executive Director, Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy


11:45 – 12:00

Inputs: EU Energy policy for energy independence. Trans-European Networks for Energy. Integrated EU energy market


Mariya Trifonova,

Chief Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Economics and Management, Sofia University

Deputy-Director of Net-Zero Lab


12:00 – 12:15

Inputs: Connecting the nations in the Balkans - tool for improvement of the business environment and diplomacy


Matej Zakonjsek,

Director of Permanent Secretariat of Transport Community Treaty


12:15 – 13:00

Panel 1:

Connectivity dynamics in the Southeast Europe: The new geopolitical role of the Black Sea region


Focus: Development of the TEN-T Network and its impact on the connectivity landscape in the Southeast Europe. The involvement of municipalities in the process of building of critical infrastructure


Ardian Hackaj,

Coordinator of Tirana Connectivity Forum

Corridor VIII as a multi-layer connectivity vector in Southeast Europe


Bojan Stojanoski,

MP in the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia and Member of the Committee on Transport, Communications and Environment at the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia

Connectivity as a tool to resolve diplomatic disputes between Bulgaria and North Macedonia


Claudio Poliganano, /online/

Region of Puglia

Importance of Corridor 8 in regional development


Moderator: Daniel Shekerletov,

Third secretary: Transport, Intermodal Questions and Networks, Permanent Representation of the Republic Bulgaria in Brussels


13:00 – 13:30


Discussants: Dimitar Stoyanov (CNC Kozloduy), Ivelin Zanev (Executive Director of Executive Agency Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River, Robert Yanev (Konrad Adenauer Foundation North Macedonia)


13:30 – 14:30


Lunch break


14:30 – 15:00

Enhancing Road Connectivity in Southeast Europe –

presenting the regional study takeaways


Yasen Georgiev,

Executive Director, Economic Policy Institute


Marianna Trifonova,

Program Director and Senior Analyst, Economic Policy Institute


15:00 – 15:45

Panel 2:

Innovations in connectivity


Focus: Smart mobility and smart cities: better life quality and economic growth through innovation; How to transform the cities mobility though innovation? The trends transforming mobility’s future and the impact of the Green Deal. Innovative projects that will shape the understanding of connectivity


Anja Quiring,

Regional Director South Eastern Europe, Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft

New understanding of connectivity, business and innovation


Frank Quante,

CEO, Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD

The airport as a mobility hub - Imagining an intermodal transportation crossroads for digital innovation and economic growth


Stefan Hristozov,

Secretary, JEDA (Joint European Drone Associations)

Innovative Air Mobility and New Possibilities


Asen Asenov,

Dean of Faculty of Transport, University of Ruse

Decarbonization of the transport: innovative projects

Moderator: Asya Filipova,

Program coordinator, Center for Conflict Research


15:45 – 16:30


Discussants: Martin Hoffmann (Director Strategy and Research, German Eastern Business Association), Ivo Barzov (Key account manager, Fraport Bulgaria), Volker Berresheim (Chairman of the German-Bulgarian Forum)


16:30 – 16:45


Coffee break


16:45 – 17:30

Panel 3: Revolutionising infrastructure and security in the Black Sea region


Dorian Istratii, /Video address/

MP, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Budget and Finance, Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

Еvolution of connectivity needs in Moldova


Marius Ghincea,

Researcher, EUI, Florence

Security risks in the Black Sea region


Gábor Papp,

Research Fellow, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs

Geopolitics of infrastructure


Moderator: Rumyana Zheleva,

Researcher, Bulgarian Academy of Science


17:30 – 17:45


Doru Dragomir (President of the Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania),

Valentin Razvan Dan (Political analyst, University of Bucharest)


17:45 – 18:00


Coffee break


18:00 – 18:45

Panel 4:


Peacebuilding and reconciliation through connectivity

Focus: The new economic agenda of Southeast Europe and boosting of the competitiveness of the region. Paving the way for sustainable transport connections in Southeast Europe. Common regional market and free movement of people and goods


Danijela Gacevic,

Acting Director, CEFTA

Addressing regulatory and administrative bottlenecks to cross-border trade in the Western Balkans


Albert Hani,

Executive Director RYCO

Connectivity and Youth – the way to boost the reconciliation dynamics between the nations on the Balkans


Stephan Malerius,

Head of the Regional Program Political Dialogue South Caucasus, Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Connectivity and Disconnectivity in the South Caucasus


Simona Nikolova,

Research Director, RESECO Bulgaria

Connecting nations, connecting businesses – living and working together in Southeast Europe


Moderator: Yana Docheva,

Head of the International Cooperation Department, National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria

18:45 – 19:00



Discussants: Tzvetin Todorov (Chairman, Bulgarian National Freight Forwarding Association), Bojidar Yankov (Executive Agency Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River)


Conference management:

Zlatozara Stoilova

Project coordinator Burgas Connectivity Forum and Moderation of the event,

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Bulgaria


Phone: +359 898608598


Maria Tchakarova

Academic Researcher, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Bulgaria


Phone: +359 877770589


Angelina Rasheva

Office Manager, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Bulgaria


Phone: +359 879120276


Ivanina Petrova

Finance manager, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Bulgaria


Phone: +359 886761297


Mariana Hill and Sabrina Hill



Dafina Tshobanova

Conference assistant


Mirela Krondeva

Conference assistant


Deyan Merazov



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Enhancing Road Connectivity in Southeast Europe: Facts, Needs and Challanges
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Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes

Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes bild

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Bulgarien +359 2 943-4388 | +359 2 943-4390 +359 2 943-3459

