This event has been cancelled. Thank you!
Participation costs (round trip economic flight ticket, hotel and food, visa fees) for the conference will be covered for selected participants from outside Nigeria. KAS welcomes self-funded participation of interested individuals.
Documents for registration:
If you are interested to participate, please submit the following documents (deadline: 29. February 2020):
- Short biography (150 words maximum);
- Updated short CV (3 pages maximum);
- Passport data page.
- Preferred travel route
IMPORTANT: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) will confirm your invitation via email. Costs will be covered only if you have received a written confirmation. All flights and accommodation will be booked by KAS only. Individual booked flight and accommodation will not be reimbursed.
Further Information:
For further inquiry do not hesitate to contact Mr. Armand Fopah Lele at armand.lele@kas.de
Hier finden Sie das Programm zum Download: Draft Concept Note-Climate related security risks SSA.pdf