

Discussion Forum on Lake Chad :" The Lake Chad Basin: Yesterday, Today and Future Prospects between Climate Change and Humanitarian Crisis."

von Marie Stella Tchuente
On the 24th and 25th October 2018, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Global Legislators Organization for a Better Environment organized a discussion Forum on the Lake Chad Crisis in Abuja, Nigeria.


The discussion was sequel to the first discussion forum on the Lake Chad Crisis organised by KAS in
Cameroon last year. Following the first discussion, KAS decided to bring together key stakeholders. Among the distinguished participants was: the German Ambassador in Nigeria, Member of parliaments of Nigeria,national and international experts; The African Bank of Development, and many others renowned organisations.

The people of the region of Lac Chad are facing a complex crisis caused by climate change. The drying up
of the lake is alarming, that’s why it is important to find ways to adapt to this new biotope for them. It is
important to capitalise the efforts of all concerned states, have a multidisciplinary approach, in order to
have sustainable results.

The main objectives of this conference were to bring awareness of the crisis to the public, to highlight the
relevance of collective efforts in addressing the myriads of environmental problems in the basin, and to
stress on the role of parliament to develop regulatory frameworks for environmental management.
At the end of the discussion there was signs of good progress towards above aims. One of the big
recommendations was to intensify the conversation between researchers and policy makers



Anja Berretta

Portrait von Anja Berretta

Leiterin des Regionalprogramms Energiesicherheit und Klimawandel Subsahara-Afrika

Marie Stella Tchuente


