

Cambodia's Women Leaders

21 Stories of Grit and Resilience

Das Buch porträtiert 21 kambodschanische Frauen im Interviewstil aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft. Der Launch fand am 27.04.2019 in Phnom Penh statt.


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Gender equality is undoubtedly one of the leading and most pressing issues of our time. Not a single day passes by without women all over the world fighting for their rights and representation in economy, politics and civil society.


Against this background, KAS and woomentum launched the publication, which portrays 21 successful Cambodian women. Together with HE Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women Affairs and Ms. Ronja Kemmer, we launched the publication, which shall inspire women as men. We want to tell stories about life’s lived by women, who faced many barriers and challenges in patriarchal and hierarchical societies and systems and yet overcome them.

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