The European Union (EU) has been struggling for years with multiple crises such as the eurozone crisis, the migration crisis, Brexit and economic stagnation. The COVID-19 pandemic, which prevails for more than a year, has become an additional challenge that not only requires considerable efforts from the member countries of the EU in economic, political and social terms, but also makes existing acute deficits and structural problems unsparingly apparent. In addition, the EU is exposed to various external and global challenges. Against this background, the conference will discuss current problems, challenges, and perspectives of the post-Brexit EU-27 from a Polish and German perspective.
We are pleased to welcome the former EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Günther H. Oettinger, as keynote speaker on 13 October. Mr Oettinger will speak on the topic "Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on European economic development".
The conference will be held in English and German.
Please find the access link for DAY 1 (Wednesday session only) here!
Please find the access link for DAY 2 (Thursday session only) here!

DAY 1 - Wednesday, 13.10.2021
17:00 – 17:10 / Welcome address and Introduction
- Prof. Dr. Jacek Prokop, Vice Rector of SGH
- Prof. Dr. Marzenna Weresa, Director of the World Economy Research Institute
- David Gregosz, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Poland
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Bielig, German Economy Research Department at SGH
17:10 – 18:15 / Panel discussion (in English)
"Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on European economic development"
- Statement: Günther H. Oettinger (former EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society)
- Discussion: Günther H. Oettinger (former EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society)
- Eduard Singer (KI Bundesverband Berlin)
- Dr. Christian Rusche (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft IW Köln)
Moderation: Marcin Antosiewicz (Journalist, Vistula University)
DAY 2 - Thursday, 14.10.2021
09:30 - 09:40 / Welcome and introduction
- Prof. Mariusz Próchniak, Dean Collegium of World Economy at SGH
- Prof. Jürgen Wandel, Head of German Economy Research Department at SGH
- Daniel Lemmen, Project Coordinator at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Poland
09:40 – 10:30 / Key Note Speech & Discussion (in German)
"Zukunft der EU nach Brexit und Corona"
- Michael Wohlgemuth (Stiftung für Staatsrecht und Ordnungspolitik, FL)
Moderation: Prof. Jürgen Wandel (SGH)
10:30 – 10:40 / Break
10:40 – 12:15 / Paneldiscussion (in German)
"Ordnungspolitische Entwicklungen"
- Impulse 1: "Eine EU-Verfassung für die Zukunft" Prof. Thomas Apolte (Universität Münster)
- Impulse 2: "Europarecht und nationales Rechts - Überlegungen zur Frage des Vorrangs", Bernard Łukańko (PAN) and Grażyna Zboralska (Universität Łódź )
- Impulse 3: "Europäische Ordnungspolitik im Systemwettbewerb mit China", Dr. Hubertus Bardt and Jürgen Matthes (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft IW Köln)
- Impulse 4: "Aktuelle Entwicklungen der EU aus polnischer Perspektive", Prof. Sebastian Płóciennik (Vistula University)
Moderation: Prof. Michał Moszyński (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu)
12:15 – 12:30 / Break
12:30 – 14:00 / Session 1: "Fiskal- und geldpolitische Entwicklungen" (in German)
"Die Fiskalpolitik der EU nach der Pandemie"
- Łukasz Czernicki (polnisches Finanzministerium)
"Evaluierung der privaten und institutionellen BIP- und Inflationsprognosen im Euroraum"
- Prof. Dr. Lilli Zimmermann (Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank Hachenburg)
"Après le Déluge – `Spillover-Effekte´ der unkonventionellen Geldpolitik der EZB auf EU-Länder außerhalb des Euroraums"
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Vollmer (Universität Leipzig)
"Die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf den Bankensektor in Polen"
- Andreas Böger (mBank)
Moderation: dr Waldemar Milewicz (SGH)
14:00 - 14:15 / Break
14:15 – 16:00 / Session 2: "Sector-specific developments" (in English)
"Digitization in the postcovid world"
- dr Agnieszka Wójcik-Czerniawska (SGH)
"Status quo of Artificial Intelligence in Germany"
- Dr. Christian Rusche (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Köln)
"Securitisation Reloaded: Increasing transparency in structured products promotes further development of the capital markets (union) after Brexit and COVID-19"
- Johannes Alban (Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt) and Andreas Igl (Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank, Hachenburg)
"The Importance of Nuclear Energy Recognition in the EU’s - 'Green Finance Taxonomy' "
- Dr. Thomas W. O’Donnell (Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Freie Universität, Berlin)
"Polish perspective on energy security and international competitiveness nexus"
- dr Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska and dr Tomasz Napiórkowski (SGH)
Moderation: Prof. Andreas Bielig (SGH)
16:00 / Closing of the conference