

Tocqueville Conversations 2024

Citizens, wake up! How can we save our democracies ?

The 6th edition of the Tocqueville Conversations will be held on July 5 and 6 at the Château de Tocqueville.



The conclusion of our discussions last year on the theme “Europe tomorrow: Rearming Democracy” left us with an observation and a reflection that appears essential to explore: the drastic weakening of the concept of citizenship. The citizen seems to be disappearing from the picture, sometimes deliberately “deconstructed”, in many ways overshadowed by an identitarism, a consumerism and an individualism that favour the unravelling of national identity and a society of rights without responsibilities. While internal and external challenges and threats are getting more and more pressing, and as our political leaders seem too often taken hostage of their hesitations and short-term approaches, this eclipse of the citizen is dangerous. For our new edition, we have therefore chosen to analyse the reasons of this disappearance and the conditions for resuscitating the concept of citizenship, that could be pave the way for the necessary fight and adaptation the Western world will have to face.


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The 6th edition of the Tocqueville Conversations will be held on July 5 and 6 at the Château de Tocqueville. And you can register by filling up this form



Day 1 – Friday, July 5

Opening of the conference by General Christopher G. Cavoli, NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe 

Roundtable 1 – Democracy Under Threat, where is the citizen? 

Roundtable 2 – The Citoyen-Soldat, Engaging Citizens in National Security

Roundtable 3 – Citizens and Religion  

Conversation – Citizens and Populisme, from revolution to submission 

Conversation – How the French Foreign Legion forms Citizens

Day 2 – Saturday, July 6

Opening by Mr. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Honorary President, MEDEF

Roundtable 4 – Local Democracy, the Essential Element 

Conversation – between Edouard Philippe, Bernard Cazeneuve & Norbert Röttgen 

Conversation – Citizens vs. IA? 

Conversation – Citizens vs. Dictatorship  

Roundtable 5 – Education, a major lever for the emergence/construction of Citizenship 

Download the full program


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Château de Tocqueville

Anja Czymmeck

Anja Czymmeck

Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Frankreich +33 156 69 15 00

Nele Katharina Wissmann

Nele Katharina Wissmann bild

Beauftragte für Analyse, Bilaterale und Europäische Angelegenheiten +33 1 5669150-4

