

India and the European Union

Second updated edition

India and the European Union are partners in a world that is undergoing rapid change. The need for cooperation based on trust, includes the desire for greater exchange of information and permanent contacts and dialogue between the partners. In publishing the book India and the European Union, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has enabled eminent personalities from the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament to share their policies as well as their insights about the EU institutions. The Indian perspective of the India-EU relations is presented by the Union Minister of External Affairs. The Prime Minister of India commemorated the publication with a message. The book India and the European Union is intended as an indispensable compendium of the major European institutions and as a praxis-oriented handbook for establishing contacts with European players.



Prof. Dr. Bernhard Vogel

Former Minister-President of the States of Rhineland Palatinate and Thuringia

President of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation


Dr. Angela Merkel

President of the Council of the European Union

Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany


Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Poettering MEP

President of the European Parliament


José Manuel Durao Barroso

President of the EU-Commission

India and the European Union

Shri Pranab Mukherjee

Minister of External Affairs of India

Relations between the EU and India

Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner

European Commissioner for Foreign Relations and Neighbourhood Policy

Stability and Efficiency: Common Perspectives and Requirements in the Era of Globalization

Prof. Dr. Günter Rinsche

Member of the Board of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Member of the Board of the European People's Party (EPP)

The Evolution and Tasks of the Delegations of the European Parliament

Hartmut Nassauer MEP

Vice President of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats (EPP-ED-Group)

Chairman of the Delegation for relations with the countries of South East Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

The Impact of the German CDU/CSU-Delegation in the European Parliament

Dr. Werner Langen MEP

Chairman of the German Delegation in the EPP-Ed-Group

Tradition, Identity and Future: Basic Issues Concerning European Culture Policy

Doris Pack MEP

Member of the Committee on Culture and Education

Chairwoman of the Delegation for the relations with the countries of South-East Europe

European Defence Policy: A View from the European People's Party

Elmar Brok

Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (1999-2007)

Towards a European Security and Defence Union

Dr. Karl von Wogau MEP

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence

International Cooperation in the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Director, International Division, Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation in India

Jörg Wolff

Resident Representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation to India

The Main European Institutions - A Short Introduction

Dr. Falk-Ulrich von Hoff''. Falk-Ulrich von Hoff''Falk-Ulrich von Hoff''lk-Ulrich von Hoff''-Ulrich von Hoff''lrich von Hoff''ich von Hoff''h von Hoff''von Hoff''n Hoff''Hoff''ff''''

Counsellor of the EPP-ED Group

Annexures: Institutions, Positions, Names, Addresses

I. European Parliament

1. Parliament's Bureau

2. Conference of Presidents

3. Parliamentary Committees

4. Chairmen/Chairwomen of the Committees

5. German Committee Member of the EPP-ED-Group

6. Interparliamentary Delegations

7. Chairmen/Chairwomen of the Interparliamentary Delegations

8. German Members of the EPP-ED-Group in the Interparliamentary Delegations

9. Members of the European Parliament

10. Secretary General of the European Parliament

11. Cabinet of the President

II. Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats

12. Members of the Presidency

13. Heads of National Delegations of the EPP-ED-Group

14. EPP-ED-Group Coordinators in the Parliamentary Committees///

15. Secretariat of the EPP-ED-Group in the European Parliament

III. German Delegation

16. Board of the German Delegation in the EPP-ED-Group

17. Members of the German Delegation

IV.European Commission

18. Members of the Barroso Commission (2004-2009)

19. Secretariat General

20. External Delegation and Offices in India

V. Council of the European Union

VI. European Institutions, Agencies and other Bodies

VII. The History of the European Union

VIII. Milestones in EU-India Relations

XI. Berlin Declaration of 25th March 2007

X. Index of Authors


