

European and Regional Legal Responses to the Refugee "Crisis" in Global Context

Over the past decade a series of refugee "crises" have affected various parts of the world, including Israel, the Middle East and Europe. This conference will ask to take a step back and to examine these events in a broader global and legal context



The conference will look at the responses to these events, with an emphasis on legal and policy responses, in light of legal and political developments in other areas of the world, and particularly in Israel. The main goal would be to examine and assess who is safeguarding the international law on refugees these days and take a closer look into existing conventions and regimes of the UN. The main assumption is that European responses both influence and are influenced by norms and policies in other areas of the world, as well as the international law governing them.

The one-day conference, as planned, will include an opening address on Gaps in the Existing Legal Regimes and Institutions (to address both global mechanisms (Refugee Convention, OHCR), and regional) followed by panels on Refugees and Mass Displacement on the Ground: Current Realities in Law and Practice (including a global overview as well as a focus on Africa and Syria) and on Global and Western Legal and Political Perspectives (with emphases on enforcement, burden-sharing and externalization). The conference will then include an open expert round table entitled Between Law and Politics - Future Challenges and Possibilities.

  • Please see the attached program for details and registration


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Beit Maiersdorf, Mount Scopus Campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Legal Responses to the Global Refugee Crisis
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Stanislav Linchevsky


Referent +32 2 66931-56 +32 2 66931-62


Partner [Plural]

Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Bereitgestellt von

Auslandsbüro Israel