

Elections and Democratic Transitions in the Arab World - A Step Forward or Backward?

Publication of Conference Proceedings

KAS and Al-Quds Center for Political Studies have published the Proceedings of the International Conference “Elections and Democratic Transitions in the Arab World - a Step Forward or Backward?” held in Amman January 26 - 27, 2008. The publication in Arabic aims at disseminating the deliberations and results of the conference, in addition to further research on specifically important topics, and thus invite a wider public into the relevant debate.


In the framework of the jointly established “Network for Reform and Democratic Change in the Arab World”, Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Amman Office, organized an international conference January 26-27, 2008 under the title “Elections and Democratic Transitions in the Arab World - A Step Forward or Backward?”, to analyze elections and their results that took place in the Arab world during the previous 3 years. The focus of the deliberations was to assess the extent to which these democratic elections contributed to advancing democracy in these countries, or led to setbacks in democratization.

These questions are of utmost importance, not only to Arab reformers and advocates who pressure for modernizing and political development towards democracy, human rights and freedoms, and good governance, but also for Europe and its Euro-Mediterranean neighbor policy that aims at creating more economic-political cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region based on shared values and principles.

KAS and Al-Quds Center therfore make accessible the relevant experience, assessments and deliberations of the conference to a wider public in order to enhance debate and dialogue on crucial issues of enhanced strategies for democratization and development.

The publication is in Arabic and consists of the working papers, summary of discussions, and recommendations.



