Banking, trust, citizens: will these three words fit together again?
Since the 2019 revolution, as the financial economy collapsed, so too did citizens’ trust in the government and critically, the banks. The alarming surge in depositor bank heists - six were reported in just one day last month - is a climatic note in what has been a dramatic sabotage on citizen’s rights by the state for the past three years. The unprecedented aggression is a by-product of a failed state, which has forced people to take matters into their own hands. At the heart of that failed state, is a government yet to show any sign of governing.
And caught in their wake, are the banks. Can the once stellar sector ever recover?
Executive Magazine explores the question in its latest issue, on banking and finance. In collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Beirut, we take a closer look at the national situation; zooming in on the infamous debt pile, the legal complexities of the financial crash, and whether the financial sector can develop amid the chaos. Plus, we address what the next chapter holds for the global financial economy, as trends like crypto and NFTs continue to dominate conversation.
Podcast: The future of Lebanon's banking and financial intermediation