IKD-KAF Book Discussion
Makalah Penentu Hubungan Antara Syariah & Falsafah
(Fasl al Maqal)
Ibnu Rusyd
Luthfi Assyaukanie
Lecture History of Islamic Thought at Paramadina University
27 April 2007 (Friday)
8.30 pm
Nakhoda hall 1 (level 3)
Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
7.30 pm – Registration
8.00 pm – Opening Speech – Executive Director of IKD
8.15 pm – Speech from translator/editor of book
Mustaqeem Mahmood Rodhi
8.30 pm –Books Review & Discussion :”Makalah Penentu”
By: Luthfi Assyaukanie
Paramadina University, Jakarta
9.10 pm – Comment, Q & A Session
10.10 pm – Conclusion
10.30 pm – Supper & End of Programme
About Luthfi Assyaukanie
Luthfi Assyaukanie is a Lecturer at Paramadina University and an Executive Director of the Religious Reform Project (Repro), both are in Jakarta. He obtained his PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He published his articles in various journals and magazines, including The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Ulumul Qur’an, Tempo, Kompas, and Media Indonesia. He also contributed some fivety entries in two prestigious encyclopaedias: Ensiklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam (Thematical Encyclopaedia of Islamic World). 7 vols. Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve, 2002; Ensiklopedi Islam Untuk Pelajar (Islamic Encyclopedia for Students). 6 vols. Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve, 2001.