

MiDAS-KAS Conference 2020

Pandemic Response and Beyond

This conference will be a platform in which policy makers, researchers, non-profit organisations and international organisations are able to share and exchange lessons learned, as well as ideas on the best practices on pandemic containment and subsequent, eradication. The topics to be discussed shall range from pandemic management to the impact it has beyond health. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, most of the panel will be holding the discussion via online video-conferencing.



Since the end of 2019, countries have been on high alert due to the spread of a new coronavirus named Covid-19. Malaysia. In response, the government of Malaysia has announced the Movement Control Order in March 2020, followed by the announcement of Conditional Movement Control Order and the Recovery Movement Control Order which is expected to end by 31 December 2020.

This conference will also potentially eliminate isolation produced due to specialisation, imposing social responsibilities on policy makers, researchers and organisations as well as bridging the gap between all of the pandemic response players. By increasing engagement with German counterparts is also in line with Malaysia’s international engagement policy particularly as a neutral country.


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Session 1: Pandemic Response

This session provides the opportunities for speakers to share Covid-19 pandemic responses from different perspectives such as health, military and security agency as well as the importance of a whole government approach.


General Tan Sri Affendi Buang RMAF, Chief of Defence Forces Malaysia

Datuk Dr Norhayati Rusli, Director of Disease Control, Minister of Health Malaysia

​Dr. Rolf von Uslar, German Ministry of Defence


Session 2: Development of SOPs

While responding to the pandemic, countries have developed Standard Operating Procedures, how those procedures were developed and what indicators were used will be the main focus of this session discussion.


  • Dr Lo Ying-Ru Jacqueline, Head of Mission for Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore​, World Health Organisation (WHO)
  • Mr Hamzah Ishak, Director of Intelligence and Crisis Management, Malaysia ​Nasional Security Council
  • Mr Heiko Rottmann-Grossner, Head of the Department Health Security, German Ministry of Health


Session 3: Effect Towards Security

The current pandemic does not only impact the health sector but also the security sector. This session will focus on how countries respond towards the security threat in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.


  • Lt Gen Dato’ Pahlawan (Dr) Md Amin Muslan, Director of Health Service, Malaysia Armed Forces;
  • Colonel Dr. Frank Richter, Head of Politik II 1 Branch, Federal Ministry of Defense of Germany
  • Mr Thomas Koruth Samuel, Terrorism Prevention – United Nation Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC)


Session 4: Impact Beyond Health

Covid-19 has impacted countries all across the world and beyond just the health sector. This session shall explore the areas in which Covid-19 has impacted countries in term of leadership, cyber security – fake news, and social stability.


  • Mr Herizal Hazri, Chief Executive, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS)
  • Prof Dr. Terence Gomez, Dean of Faculty of Economics & Administration, University of Malaya
  • Ms Lilianne Fan, Geutanyoe Foundation
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Zum Kalender hinzufügen


  • Keynote Address: Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob
    • Minister of Defence/Senior Minister (Security Cluster)
    • Malaysia


Pandemic Response and Beyond: MIDAS-KAS Conference 2020 (English only)
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Miriam Fischer

Miriam Fischer

Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Malaysia +603 7660 4408 / +603 7660 4409




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