
Europäische Union Klima und Energie


Reconceptualizing conflict and cooperation over energy in the East Mediterranean

Harry Tzimitras - Professor of International Law and International Relations and Director at PRIO Cyprus Centre

The broader Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean have long been plagued by conflict, with historical disputes continuously compounded by new tensions. Unresolved issues create fertile ground for instability, as emerging threats—territorial conflicts, terrorism, energy security, and migration—further entrench divisions. At the same time, regional rivalries extend into the energy sector, hindering cooperation on critical global challenges and deepening geopolitical rifts. However, strengthening energy ties and fostering interdependence can shift dynamics from confrontation to collaboration. Where competition prevails, stagnation follows—but where there is a will, there is a way.

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Stepping up to the challenges of green recovery: Indonesia and the EU

Linda Yanti Sulistiawati - Ass. Prof. of Law, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia Senior Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Centre of Environmental Law (APCEL), Nat. Univ. of Singapore.

Check out the paper in our series of publications on the external dimension of the European Green Deal, jointly launched by KAS-MDPD, DIE and FIIA.

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The EU "Green Deal": An opportunity to strengthen EU-India relationship

Souvik Bhattacharjya, Senior Fellow and Associate Director, Integrated Policy Analysis Division, TERI

Check out the paper in our series of publications on the external dimension of the European Green Deal, jointly launched by KAS-MDPD, DIE and FIIA.


EU–China Green Partnership for Better Global Governance

Yanzhu Zhang - Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing, China

Check out the paper in our series of publications on the external dimension of the European Green Deal, jointly launched by KAS-MDPD, DIE and FIIA.

Roger de la Harpe _AdobeStock

Exploring South African 'Green Leadership' in the Context of the European Green Deal

Romy Chevallier and Alex Benkenstein, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)

Check out the next paper in our series of publications on the external dimension of the European Green Deal, jointly launched by KAS-MDPD, DIE and FIIA .

Flickr - Patrick Alexander - CC0 1.0 Universal

The ambiguous partner: Mexico and the European Green Deal

Lorena Ruano - División de Estudios Internacionales, CIDE

Check out the latest paper in our series of publications on the external dimension of the European Green Deal, jointly launched with DIE and FIIA.

CCL Bureau of Land Management California - Flickr

Cooperation with (Re)Emerging Powers for the European Green Deal

Conference Report - 16-17 Nov. '20

In November 2020, KAS-MDPD, DIE and FIIA organized a two-days conference on the external dimension of the European Green Deal, assembling experts and policy-makers from (re-)emerging powers across the world and the EU. Check out the conference report for the key results of the event, including insights on how the Green Deal is perceived by the the biggest CO2-emitters in the Global South #KAS4Climate.

Flickr - Chris Bambrick - Public Domain Mark 1.0

The External Dimension of the European Green Deal: RUSSIA’S PERSPECTIVE

Igor Makarov, Head of the School of World Economy at National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)

Read & Download the #MDPD Paper

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The Global Dimension of the European Green Deal: The EU as a Green Leader?

Sven Grimm (DIE) - Wulf Reiners (DIE) - Niklas Helwig (FIIA) - Marco Siddi (FIIA) - Louis Mourier (KAS)

Read & Download the #MDPD Paper


Über diese Reihe

„Europäische Union Klima und Energie“ ist eine Rubrik mit einer Reihe von Berichten und anderen Veröffentlichungen, die Einblick in die Ziele der EU im Bereich der Klima- und Energiepolitik geben. Jede Publikation in dieser Reihe konzentriert sich entweder auf das globale Engagement der EU für eine nachhaltige Klima- und Energiepolitik oder darauf, wie sich Klima- und Energieziele von Partnerländern auf die EU auswirken. Diese Reihe soll ein umfassendes Verständnis der EU-Strategien im Bereich der nachhaltigen Energiekooperation, der Anpassung an den Klimawandel und dessen Eindämmung sowie ihrer Partnerschaftspolitik im Bereich Klima und Energie vermitteln.

Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Leiter des Multinationalen Entwicklungsdialogs Brüssel +32 2 669 31 70

Louis Bout

Louis Bout

Programm-Manager Sicherheit und Handel +32 66931 80

Jonas Nitschke

Jonas Nitschke

Programm-Manager Demokratie und Nachhaltige Entwicklung +32 2 66931 71

Nicole Linsenbold

Nicole Linsenbold

Programmleiterin Entwicklungs- und Klimapolitik +32 66931 75