

Wir trauern um unseren Ehrenvorsitzenden Prof. Dr. Bernhard Vogel

Der ehemalige Ministerpräsident von Rheinland-Pfalz und Thüringen starb im Alter von 92 Jahren.

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Resolutions in the European Parliament on Venezuela

Resolutions in the European Parliament on Venezuela

The European Parliament voted on Venezuela in September 2024 and January 2025, with different resolutions.

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Die EU und ihre globalen Partner in einer neuen Legislaturperiode

Ursula von der Leyen strebt eine geopolitische EU-Strategie mit mehr Einfluss und pragmatischen Partnerschaften an. Welche Änderungen stehen bevor?

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Geopolitics and Connectivity Take the Center Stage at the Fir...

Geopolitics and Connectivity Take Center Stage at EU-GCC Summit

The first ever EU-GCC Summit on 16 October 2024 served as a pivotal moment for both the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

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Wahlergebnisse in Afrika: Mitgliedsparteien der DUA

Global Europe Illustrated: Wahlergebnisse der Mitgliedsparteien der DUA in Afrika

Die Demokratische Union Afrikas (DUA), gegründet 1997 in Dakar, Senegal, ist ein Bündnis von Mitte-rechts-Parteien in ganz Afrika.

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Strategische Partnerschaften zu kritischen Rohstoffen

Strategische Partnerschaften zu kritischen Rohstoffen

Die zweite Karte von Global Europe Illustrated zeigt die strategischen Partnerschaften, die den Kern des Gesetzes über kritische Rohstoffe (CRMA) der Europäischen Union bilden.

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Das Programm Multinationaler Entwicklungsdialog der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung gestaltet den entwicklungs- politischen Dialog mit der Europäischen Union und der NATO und bringt die Erfahrungen und Expertise der weltweiten Projektarbeit der KAS sowie die Interessen der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik in die Konsultationsprozesse der Europäischen Union ein.

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#KAS4Youth - Full series on YT & IGTV -

“Young Voices - Perceptions on the EU’s global engagement” - #3 Palestine

The campaign aims to critically analyse the EU's role in the world through the eyes of young people in the Global South, who are engaged in their communities through EU programmes.

#KAS4Youth - Full series on YT & IGTV -

“Young Voices - Perceptions on the EU’s global engagement” - #2 Argentina

The campaign aims to critically analyse the EU's role in the world through the eyes of young people in the Global South, who are engaged in their communities through EU programmes.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#26 Malaysia - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (3/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

#KAS4Youth - Full series on YT & IGTV -

“Young Voices - Perceptions on the EU’s global engagement” - #1 Morocco

The campaign aims to critically analyse the EU's role in the world through the eyes of young people in the Global South, who are engaged in their communities through EU programmes.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#24 Malaysia - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (1/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#25 Malaysia - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (2/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#23 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (3/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#22 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (2/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#21 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (1/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#20 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (2/2)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.


