Peacekeeping remains one of the United Nations' most vital instruments for effecting lasting peace and security in conflict-affected countries. During the Annual Adenauer Address, United Nations Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix outlined his vision for the future of UN peacekeeping and shared insights on key challenges. A summary of takeaways is provided below.
- Geopolitical divides represent the most pressing challenge for UN peacekeeping today. Global divides and conflict hinder the necessary political will and backing of States to strengthen peacekeeping globally.
- The legitimacy of peacekeeping missions is increasingly threatened by the convergence of risks, including new and emerging technology, the spread of misinformation and disinformation, and the complex landscape of non-state armed actors (including transnational illicit networks, terrorist and extremist groups, and gangs). This dynamic context, further aggravated by climate change, adds considerable complexity to existing peacekeeping models.
- The global financial environment adds stress to the financing of peacekeeping missions. Competing demands for Member States funds requires the UN to increase the efficiency and transparency of peacekeeping missions.
- In light of the challenging political, security and operational context, a holistic independent review of peacekeeping has outlined 30 models for future UN peacekeeping, encouraging fresh thinking on the roles that peacekeepers can play.
- The UN still retains unique authority and legitimacy to convene key stakeholders in times of crisis and conflict. With the upcoming UN Peacekeeping Ministerial taking place in Berlin in May, 2025 will mark an important year for the international community to reconsider approaches to peacekeeping.