

Birzeit Legal Encounter

The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws i

The Institute of Law and the Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute of International Studies - Birzeit University and the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat in the oPt cordially invite you to participate in a workshop.



The workshop on The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws in the occupied Palestinian territory aims to thorw light on the challenges and opportunities comming from the investigations and its possible outcome.

During the workshop, colleagues Matthias Behnke (The head of the OHCHR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) and Shawan Jabareen (Al-Haq's Director) will introduce participants to the role of the ‘Independent Commission of Inquiry´also compared to alternative investigations and comparative experiences. There will be a discussion on expectations from the said investigation and possible next steps. Furthermore, the responsibilities and roles of duty beareres including CSOs and governments will be touched.

An active participation in the discussion the the audience is highly appreciated!


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Birzeit University - Institute of Law "Hall 243"

Referentinnen und Referenten

  • Matthias Behnke
    • Head of Office
      • Occupied Palestinian Territory
        • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsShawan Jabarin
          • Director
            • Al-Haq


              ورشة عمل في جامعة بيرزيت: ورشة عمل حول "اللجنة الدولية المستقلة للتحقيق في جميع انتهاكات القانون الإنساني الدولي والقانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان
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              Tessa Lambrich

              UN Human Rights Council in session Human Rights Council