Diese Konferenz wird organisiert durch das Institut für die Forschung zum zeitgenössischen Maghreb (IRMC) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem KAS Regionalprogram Südliches Mittelmeer, der Europäischen Union, der französischen Botschaft, dem französischen Institut in Tunis, CNRS, UNDP, der tunesischen Nationalbibliothek, ACTED und TOTAL.
Thursday, 12 July 2018
09:30 Welcoming Remarks
- Ms. Raja Ben Slama, Director of National Library of Tunisia
- Ms. Oissila Saadia, Director of Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain
- Her Excellency the Ambassador Brigitte Curmi, French Ambassador to Libya
- Her Excellency the Ambassador Bettina Muscheidt, Ambassador of the European Union to Libya
- Mr. Sultan Hajiyev, UNDP country director in Libya
- Mr. Simon Engelkes, Project Coordinator at Regional Program South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- Mr. Nabil S. Enattah, Dean of the University of Tripoli
11:00 Scientific introduction by Prof. Hassan Boubakri, University of Sousse/IRMC
11:20 Libya at Cross Roads: Demystifying the Crisis of Transition
Prof. Ali Abdullatif Ahmida, University of New England
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Panel 1: Libya during the XXth Century: Historical Perspectives
Chair: Dr. Nora Lafi, Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)
- The Issue of Borders in Libya within the Politics of the Great Powers
Prof. Mahmoud Edeek, University of Tripoli
- Rethinking Nation-State Territoriality in the Egyptian-Libyan Borderland
Prof. Matthew Ellis, Sarah Lawrence College
- When the Border Between Historiography and Colonial Memory Weakens: Collective Memory between Identity Construction and Mythico-History
Dr. Chiara Loschi, IRMC
14:30 Panel 2: A Changing Society
Chair: Prof. Oissila Saaidia, IRMC
- Fragmentation: An Innate Feature of Libyan Society, or Social Transformation through Violent Conflict?
Dr. Wolfram Lacher, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
- Mobilizing Social Boundaries in Frontier Spaces: The Berber Issue in Zwāra and Jebel al-Nefūsa (1911-1923)
Dr. Chiara Pagano, University Roma Tre
- Tribes and Rebellion in Libya: Repositioning, Alliances and Revenge
Prof. Moncef Ouennes, Director of Centre d’Études et de Recherche Économiques et Sociales
Friday, 13 July 2018
09:00 Roundtable: Young Researchers on Libya
Prof. Hassan Boubakri, University of Sousse/ IRMC
Dr. Betty Rouland, IRMC
Hadil Dayri
Soraya Rahem
Thomas Rosenthal
Hajra Sebei
Ahmed Mohamed Ali Mohamed
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Panel 3: The Spaces of the State
Chair: Claudia Gazzini, International Crisis Group
- Arabic Language and National Identity in Libya
Prof. Anna Baldinetti,, University of Perugia
- Heterarchy, Connectivity and Locality: The Renegotiation of the Post Colonial Order in Libya
Dr. Thomas Hüsken, University of Bayreuth (Germany)
- The Libyan Loose Federation: A Lesson Learned from the Time of Independence?
Dr. Antonio Morone, University of Pavia
14:30 Panel 4: Borders and Migration
Chair: Jalal Harchaoui, Institut Français de Géopolitique
- State Crises,Migration Crisis: The Impact of the Libyan Crisis on Migration and Asylum in the Maghreb and its Neighbourhoods
Dr. Hassan Boubakri, University of Sousse/IRMC
- The EU in Libya: Border Externalisation and Foreign Policy Internalisation
Dr. Luca Rainer, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
Dr. Luca Raineri, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
- Legal Strategies and Political Arrangements around the Fate of Foreign Nationals towards and within Libya
Dr. Delphine Perrin, IRD-LPED
Prof. Kmar Bendana, University of Mannouba/IRMC
Rachid Khechana, Journalist, director of the Centre Maghrebin d’Etudes sur la Libye
17:30 End of the conference day