

Oil, Banks, and Governance

Economic Realities in a Divided Libya

Konferenz zur Wirtschaft Libyens unter Einbezug libyscher Schlüsselakteure mit den Schwerpunkten Ölindustrie, Bankensyste, und lokale Regierungsführung.




Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Arrival of participants

Thursday, 8 March 2018

09:00 Welcoming remarks

Dr. Canan Atilgan, Director, Regional Program South Mediterranean, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

09:10 Introduction

H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Gebril, Former Prime Minister of Libya, President of the National Forces Alliance

Moderated by Dr. Barah Mikail, Director of Stractegia

09:30 Panel 1: In oleum veritas: State of play of Libya’s oil sector

Chair: Mohammed Sreit, Journalist and Researcher

  • Stop-and-go: Ruptures in Libya’s oil production

    Buagela Lamin, Libyan Oil Specialist

  • The future of Libya’s oil production: Can the NOC be united?

    Tarek Ibrahim Al-Shalmani, Economist, Ras Lanouf Company for Oil and Gas

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Panel 2: A divided market: One country, two economies?

Chair: Tarek Alhouny, Editor-in-Chief of Libya Cloud News Agency (LCNA)

  • The Libyan cash crisis: How to deal with a national shortage of cash

    Dr. Medhat El Ghdamsi, Member of the National Economic Development Board

  • Battle of the banknotes: What future for the Libyan Dinar?

    Haitham Ahmed Akgam, Director of Account Management at the Bank of Commerce and Development

  • A perspective from the private banking sector in Libya

    Abeer Zoghbia, Director of the Treasury Department at Sahara Bank

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Panel 3: No state, no institutions? How economies function without governance

Chair: Alamin Abolmagir, The Libyan Program for Reintegration and Development

  • The role of the private sector

    Dr. Abouazom Alafi, Assistant Professor of Economy, University of Sebha

  • The impact of currency variations on the Libyan commercial balance

    Dr. Yusef Yakhlef, Libyan Economist

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Panel 4: Public infrastructure: Restrained potential for stability?

Chair: Rachid Khechana, Director, Mediterranean Centre for Libyan Studies (CMEL)

  • Education, health, and transport – who is running basic services in Libya?

    Abdelbari Shinbaro, Deputy Minister of Local Government at the GNA

  • Filling the gap: Municipalities as service providers

    Dr. Otman Gajiji, Former Chairman of the Central Committee of Municipal Elections in Libya

  • The humanitarian situation and its impact on the economy

    Jamal Mabrouk Ali, Head of the International Organization for Cooperation and Emergency Aid

18:00 Closing remarks


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Oil, Banks, and Governance: Wirtschaftliche Realitäten in einem geteilten Libyen
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Oil, Banks, and Governance: Wirtschaftliche Realitäten in einem geteilten Libyen
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Dr. Canan Atilgan

Portrait von Dr. Canan Atilgan

Leiterin Auslandsbüro Vereinigtes Königreich und Irland +44 (0)20 7834 4119

Simon Engelkes

Simon Engelkes

Leiter Auslandsbüro Ramallah +972 2 240 4305 +972 2 240 4307