

Campaign against corruption

European Democrat Students - convention in Warsaw

The theme of seminar was corruption, perception of corruption and ways of fighting against corruption. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation was co-organizer of one of the discussion panels during the convention of EDS



15:00 Introduction to the topic: “World Café”

  • What is corruption?
  • What are negative effects of corruption?
  • Was I ever a victim of corrupt activities?
  • How is my country combating corruption?

16:30 Workshop by Ivana Pukšec

“How can the young generation fight against the high level of corruption?”

Development of EDS anticorruption campaign

09:00 “Introduction to the work of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Poland”

Christian Schmitz, Head of the KAS Office in Poland

09:30 Panel Discussion: “The Role of Media in Combating Corruption”

Małgorzata Kolińska-Dąbrowska, Journalist “Gazeta Wyborcza”

Beata Biel, Journalist

11:30 Keynote: “Combatting Corruption - NGO's perspective”

Grażyna Kopińska, Director of Stefan Batory Foundation Anti-Corruption Program

15:00 Debate: “New Prespective for the EU 2014-2020 Structural Funds”

Filip Skawinski, Acting Head of Political Sector in the European Commission

19:30 “Anti corruption work in local governments”

Mariusz Frankowski, Director of Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation, Member of the Warsaw City Council

10:00 Keynote: “Role of the CBA in setting people’s mind against corruption”

Robert Lizak, CBA Officer

11:30 Keynote: “Anti-Corruption measures: The way to a Democratic Society”

Adam Bodnar, Deputy Chair of the Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

14:00 Visit to the Polish Parliament (Sejm)

”The Role of the Parliament in implanting legislation for anti-corruption”

Meeting with Radoslaw Sikorski, The Marshall of Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Poland

20:00 “The Importance of exchange of ideas between the young and the elderly generations”

Marzena Okła–Drewnowicz, Member of the Polish Parliament

09:30 “Current economy and youth situation in Europe”

Andrzej Dycha, Deputy Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy

Róża Thun, Member of the European Parliament

11:00 Working Groups Sessions:

Working Group I: “Higher Education and Research”

Working Group II: “Policies for Europe”

Working Group III: “Human Rights”

15:00 “Fraud and Investigation Dispute Services”

Tomasz Dyrda, Executive Director, E&Y Poland

16:15 Group Discussion on the Conference Resolution: “Youth against Corruption”

18:00 Keynote: “Overcoming youth unemployment and gender discrimination in education and the labour market”

Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz, Member of the European Parliament

19:00 Actions campaign: “Youth against Corruption”

09:00 Presentation of Working Groups

11:15 Discussion: “Europe under threat? Economy and Integration”

Danuta Hübner - Member of the European Parliament

15:00 Plenary discussion and development campaign

16:45 Closing of the Conference

“This project is funded with the support of European Youth Foundation”


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Agnieszka Prokocka

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