The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Warsaw Scholl of Economics SGH cordially invite you to attend our Polish-German conference "Current Challenges for the Social Market Economies in Poland and Germany in Light of the Ukraine War: Between Increasing Competitiveness and Strengthening Environmental Protection” which will be held on 12.10.2023 at SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Aula 1, Building C, al. Niepodległości 128) on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the German-Polish Academic Forum.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Participation is for free.

Registrierung | Registration
Eröffnung | Opening
Feierstunde 30 Jahre Deutsch-Polnisches Akademikerforum Celebration hour 30 Years German-Polish Academic Forum
Simultanübersetzung Deutsch-Polnisch
Prof. Jacek Prokop, Prorektor SGH für Internationale Beziehungen
Prof. Mariusz Próchniak, Dekan Kollegium für Weltwirtschaft SGH
N.N., Deutsche Botschaft Warschau
Prof. Stephan Jolie, Vizepräsident Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Susanne Lüdtke, Referatsleiterin Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Bonn
Prof. Daniel Schunk, Leiter DSG an Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Prof. Piotr Błędowski, Dekan Kollegium für Sozioökonomie SGH
Prof. Hans-Joachim Paffenholz, Universität Duisburg
Prof. Roland Euler, Dekan, Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Kaffeepause | Coffee break
Key Note Vortrag | Keynote lecture
Simultanübersetzung Deutsch-Polnisch
Moderator: Prof. Jürgen Wandel, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Globalization and its Contents: An Update
Prof. Philipp Harms, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Panel-Diskussion | Panel discussion
Simultanübersetzung Deutsch-Polnisch
Ökonomische und politische Herausforderungen in Deutschland und Polen vor dem Hintergrund des Ukrainekriegs
Moderator: Prof. Michał Moszyński, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Panelisten | Panelists:
Prof. Piotr Błędowski, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Tomasz Salomon, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology Poland Dr Thomas Obst, German Economic Institute Cologne (IW Köln)
David Gregosz, KAS Warschau
Parallel Session 1: General economic policy challenges
(building C, auditorium I) – in English
Moderator: Prof. Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
International crises and stagflation – facts, some theory and policy option
Prof. Jürgen Jerger, University of Regensburg
On the evolution and sustainability of modern democracy: A theory and some simple micro-simulations
Prof. Thomas Apolte, University of Münster and SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Between Subsidiarity and Consensus: Decision Making in the European Union
Prof. Salvatore Barbaro, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
The evaluation of the impact of the federalisation of the European Union’s member states on the economy of Poland and further relations with Germany in the context of the war in Ukraine
Prof. Paweł Lesiak and Dr Robert Dygas, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Parallel Session 2: Specific Economic Development Aspects
(building C, room 1 A, level 1) – in English
Moderator: Dr Katarzyna Kamińska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Crises in German Energy & Economic Models: Can Germany avoid „deindustrialization” by „doubling down on 100% renewables”?
Prof. Thomas W. O’Donnell, FU Berlin
Current challenges for the social market in Poland due to Ukrainian refugees
Dr Aleksandra Rabczun, Poznań University of Economics and Business
Restructuring global supply chains
Prof. Eugeniusz Gostomski, WSB Merito University of Gdańsk, Tomasz Nowosielski, University of Gdańsk
Germany as leading exporter of high-technology goods
Prof. Elżbieta Czarny, Prof. Paweł Folfas, Dr Aleksandra Szarek-Piaskowska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Parallel Session 3: Monetary Policy and Banking Sector
(building C, room 1 B, level 1) – in English
Moderator: Dr Waldemar Milewicz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Current Situation in the Polish Banking Sector
Włodzimierz Kiciński, Polish Bank Association (ZBP)
The Prospects of Digital Cash in the European Union
Prof. Uwe Vollmer, University of Leipzig
Impact of trade relations on stock market reactions to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Dr Katarzyna Czech, Dr Michał Wielechowski, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Panel-Diskussion | Panel discussion
(auf Deutsch/in German):
Herausforderungen für deutsche und polnische Hochschulen angesichts demographischer Entwicklungen und Fachkräftemangel
Moderator: Prof. Andreas Bielig, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Panelisten | Panelists:
Dr Lars Gutheil, AHK Polska
Ronald Kulikowski, Volkswagen Bank Polska
Marcin Diakonowicz, Grant Thornton
Dr Maciej Meder, Zeb Consulting
Ende | Closing
Prof. Jürgen Wandel, SGH Warsaw School of Economics