Live coverage of the conference will be available on the city website: www.gdansk.pl
The Conference is organized by:
The City of Gdansk and the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland
with the support of: Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Programme of the conference
Conference venue: Dwór Artusa (Długi Targ 39/40)
11.00 - 12.00 Welcoming address
Paweł Adamowicz - Mayor of Gdansk
prof. Andrzej Rzeplinski - President of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland
prof. Koen Lenaerts - President of the Court of Justice of the European Union
prof. Andrzej Zoll former President of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland
prof. Małgorzata Gersdorf - President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland
Gianni Buquicchio - President the Venice Commission
Pavel Rychetsky, Ph.D. - President of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic
prof. Dainius Zalimas - President of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania
Aldis Lavins - President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia
Alexandru Tanase, Ph.D. - President of the Constitutional Court of Moldova
prof. Yurii Baulin - Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
Conference moderator: prof. Jerzy Zajadto, Univeristy of Gdansk
12.00 - 13.30 Part 1
Origins of judicial review of constitutionality of law in Poland
prof. Andrzej Szmyt, University of Gdansk
Constitutional Tribunal as a co-creator of basic rights and freedom in the process of transformation to rule of law System
prof. Wojciech Łączkowski, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, former judge of the Constitutional Tribunal
Poland in the European Union in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal
prof. Maciej Szpunar, Advocate General, Court of Justice of the European Union
The Tribunal as a guardian of territorial self-government
prof. Leon Kieres, judge of the Constitutional Tribunal
Property rights as a constitutional value
prof. Ewa Łętewska, Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, former judge of the Constitutional Tribunal
13.30 - 14.00 Coffee break
14:00 - 16.30 Part 2
The Tribunal as a guardian of free election and Democracy_
prof. Ryszard Piotrowski, University of Warsaw
The Constitutional Tribunal as a guardian of the rule of law in the system based on the separation of power
prof. Tomasz Pietrzykowski, University of Silesia in Katowice
The Tribunal as a guardian of a market economy
prof. Jerzy Ciapata, University of Szczecin
The Tribunal as a guardian of citizen's freedom from fear of poverty
prof. Teresa Liszcz, Maria Curie-Sktodowska University in Lublin, former judge of the Constitutional Tribunal
Citizen's freedom from fear of his/hers state
prof. Mirostaw Wyrzykowski, University of Warsaw, former judge of the Constitutional Tribunal
16.30-17.45 Dinner for conference participants
18.00 -19.30 An open panel discussion
Constitutional Courts as Guardians of citizens' freedom from fear of her/his state
Location: Wielka Sala Wety Ratusza Gtownego Miasta (ul. Długa 46)
Paweł Adamowicz - Mayor of Gdansk
prof. Andrzej Rzeplinski - President of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland
Waldemar Żurek, speaker of the Polish National Council of the Judiciary
Prof. Jerzy Zajadło, University of Gdansk