The KAS-ISAS workshop ‘Cyber Resilience in the Indo-Pacific’ will cover how four Asian countries–India, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea – are faring with respect to cyber resilience at home and
the scope for collaboration and coordination to mitigate incumbent cyber risks. Growing digital
trade, capital flows for digital economic activities and intensifying cyber linkages across Asia mean
that cybersecurity is a critical task and objective that all governments and non-governmental actors
must pursue collectively. Cyber resilience must be inculcated and developed to defend against and
deter cyber risks. Achieving cyber resilience, however, requires a comprehensive approach that
includes enhancing governance, risk management, robust data protection rules, effective regional
and international cooperation, and the upgrading of infrastructure and institutional capabilities. The
workshop will help us take stock of where these Asian countries are on various cybersecurity
indicators and how they can improve their capacity to resist, recover from and adapt to emergent
and evolving cyber challenges.
Hier finden Sie das Programm zum Download: KAS-ISAS CR Workshop 19 Sep.pdf