


KASYP 16.1 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Batch 16 officially begins their KASYP journey

First Module on Political Parties in Democratic Societies successfully completed. 20 Participants from 13 countries gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 16 - 22 February 2025 to begin their promising journey of becoming responsible leaders in their respective countries.

ISAS-KAS Roundtable on Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka after the Elections: Governance in a Time of Crisis

On November 26, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Regional Programme Political Dialoue Asia organised a roundtable in cooperation with the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) at the National University of Singapore on "Sri Lanka after the Elections: Governance in a Time of Crisis". This ISAS-KAS roundtable explored the key trends and implications of the evolving political landscape in Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka's stance in foreign policy.

Empowering Tomorrow: Learning SDGs Through Singapore’s Green Initiatives

Held from November 15–16, 2024, this program brought together KAS Scholars from the Asian University of Women and National College, Kathmandu University, to explore Singapore’s innovative approaches to sustainable development. Through immersive sessions and dialogue, participants gained insights to advocate for SDGs in their communities.

EANGAGE: The Next Level “EU-ASEAN Think Tank Dialogue”

Launch of Project Phase II

The EANGAGE Next Level gathering built on the success of the initial “EU-ASEAN Think Tank Dialogue” project. With the backdrop of evolving geopolitical landscapes, the recent US elections elections, formation of the cabinet and commissioners in the EU, conclusion of the ASEAN Summit in Laos, the workshop focussed on enhancing collaborative research between the EU and ASEAN in the realm of connectivity (security) and sustainability

KAS / SWP / RSIS Conference in Singapore

“The Emergence of Greater Asia in Energy and Climate – Geopolitical Trends and Implications for Asia-Europe Collaboration”

On the 9th and 10th of October 2024, KAS PDA Asia hosted the event for “The Emergence of Greater Asia in Energy and Climate – Geopolitical Trends and Implications for Asia-Europe Collaboration”.

Women and Foreign Policy in South Asia

Nach der Konferenz zum Thema “Women and Foreign Policy”, die 26.09.2024 bis zum 27.09.2024 stattfand, waren sich alle Teilnehmenden einig, dass die Tagung ein Erfolg war. Bereits zum zweiten Mal veranstaltete der Politikdialog Asien der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in Kooperation mit dem Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT) ein Treffen, um die Rolle von Frauen in der Außenpolitik zu diskutieren. Nepals Hauptstadt Kathmandu, war Veranstaltungsort der zweitägigen Konferenz und Treffpunkt für einflussreiche Frauen aus der Region Südasien. Die Referenten, Referentinnen und Gäste der Konferenz nahmen teilweise lange Anreisen auf sich, um Teil des wertvollen Austauschs und begeisternden Netzwerks zu werden. Sieben südasiatische Länder waren vertreten und somit fast die gesamte Region Südasien, abgesehen von Afghanistan.

Workshop on Cyber Resilience in the Indo-Pacific

KAS-ISAS Event at the National University of Singapore (NUS)

KAS PDA looks back on an exciting two-day workshop on "Cyber Resilience in the Indo-Pacific" 🌏🔒, successfully organized together with the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS-NUS) and the great Dr. Karthik Nachiappan, Research Fellow at ISAS, National University of Singapore.

Germany Unity Day

Unity without Borders: Germany - 34 Years After Its Reunification

On October 2nd, the Political Dialogue Asia, in collaboration with the German Association and the German European School Singapore (GESS), hosted a panel discussion titled "Unity without Borders: Germany - 34 Years After Its Reunification." 🇩🇪✨ This event celebrated the Day of German Unity and drew over 100 attendees to the GESS auditorium. 🎉

KASYP 12.4 in Germany

Batch 12.4 successfully concluded their two year training module during a dialogue programme in Erfurt and Berlin, Germany

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) - Batch 14

Module 3: Local Governance and Development

As political leaders, it is assumed that the function they want to perform when elected to office is to effectively serve the public, address societal gaps and in the end alleviate the living standards of their communities. The knowledge content and skills training provided by this module are focused on local economic development and governance, project design, agenda prioritization and co-creation principle.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.