

Report on the 2024 KAS-SAIIA Careers Event

von Cynthia Chigwenya

Formative Futures: How to Find Employment with Your Humanities Degree

The annual KAS-SAIIA Careers event is co-organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s RegionalProgramme – Political Dialogue for Sub-Saharan Africa (PolDiSSA) and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA). Since 1999 KAS has funded an internship programme, run by SAIIA, providing successful candidates with the opportunity to enroll for a master’s degree in International Relations, Development Studies, Political Science, Economics, Law or Journalism and other related subjects within the humanities and social sciences discipline, while simultaneously working at the SAIIA office in Cape Town or Johannesburg. The careers evening, which is conceptualised by the current cohort of KAS-SAIIA scholars, provides insights and showcases success stories that demonstrate the versatility and relevance of humanities degrees in today’s dynamic job market. This year’s theme, Formative Futures: How to Find Employment with Your Humanities Degree explored various sectors where humanities graduates can thrive, including in policymaking, media and journalism, law, and the corporate sector. Speakers: Professor Bhaso Ndzendze, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations. Vice-Dean of Internationalisation at the University of Johannesburg; Leanne Manas, award-winning journalist and UNHCR ambassador and Tsotang Sethabela from the South African Red Cross Society and Representatives from the Department of International Relations and Co-operation (DIRCO), Lusu Booi, Albert Geldenhuys and Kabelo Ramongane.


Youth unemployment in many African countries remains a critical issue. Recent data published by South Africa’s department of statistics (Stats SA) showed a staggering 45,5% unemployment rate among youth (15- 35 years old). Youth unemployment is particularly acute for those holding humanities degrees, who may face the misconception that their educational background lacks practical value in the job market. However, in a world marked by rapid digitalisation, climate change, and shifting geopolitical landscapes, the skills cultivated through humanities education are essential more than ever. Skills sets such as critical thinking and the ability to analyse sets graduates apart as they can transfer the skills to different occupations in an everchanging world of work that requires innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, especially in the face of the rise of Artificial Intelligence.

In light of the above context, KAS and SAIIA organised a hybrid careers evening, held at the University of the Witwatersrand on 14 August 2024. The event, titled ‘Formative Futures: How to Find Employment with Your Humanities Degree’, attracted students from the Universities of Johannesburg, Pretoria, Wits and MSA. Over 150 people filled the Jan Smuts hall at SAIIA’s headquarters in Johannesburg, while several others joined online. In addition, the programme was streamed on YouTube to ensure a wider reach beyond those engaged with on the day of the event.




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